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Inner Healing

Many struggle with anger, depression, anxiety, bitterness, unforgiveness.  Many grew up with family dynamics that were not perfect.  Most people have had some type of hurt or trauma in their past.  I was not loved as a child.  That's fine.  I was able to function very well and really didn't have any issues that I knew about until I sought after a deeper relationship with God.  Because I wasn't loved, it was not normal for me to be able to experience God's love or anyone else's love.  I didn't know.  Not being loved was normal for me.  


Anyway - trauma can happen to a person based on bad things that happen to a person or good things that don't happen to a person.  If not dealt with - these things can cause physical illness and/or abnormal relationships.


I'm certainly not an expert in this field, but I have read many books and resources that I feel will be helpful to many. That is my purpose for this page.

Winding Roads

Praying Medic

I recently started listening to the "praying medic" and found him extremely knowledgeable and helpful.  He has tons of positive testimonies from people around the world.  If you are looking for almost immediate help and relief - I do recommend starting here.  Dave Hayes has an anointing for healing of all types and is able to explain it in a clear and helpful way.

David is primarily an author, and has many books on these topics as well.  I highly recommend looking into his books as well as his online courses.

Praying Medic Bookstore

Praying Medic Online Classes

Adorable Chick


One thing I've learned.   Just because you know something, doesn't mean that you believe it.  You can have a lot of head knowledge that does not get to your heart.  Most of the time - it's your heart that needs to be healed, not your head.  So - we can't just read these books. We have to put in the hard work to answer the questions.  Get a journal.  Write the questions to yourself, answer them, and then seek God on the topic.  That is how true healing happens. 


Some of the books below are harder to find, and you may only get them from the authors website. 

  • Soul Beliefs
    By Tammy J Hernandez  I attended a local prophetic bible study where Tammy was invited to speak.  Her book got me on a journey to read many other books.  This may be an eye opener for Christians who believe that once they are born again - all is well and no harm can become you.

  • Lost & Restored
    By Suzanne B Simpson  After I read the book above, I "remembered" another book I bought 1.5 years earlier for my sisters.  I also got a copy for myself.  I read it - and realized that God was looking out for me way back then - and I had just put his help on the shelf.   This author also happens to be local to the Denver area and has a practice where she does consulting one on one.

  • Created to Overcome
    By Theresa Dedmon  Note I attended a conference where we went through parts of this book.  I am not an artist or a poet, however, I really felt that she did a great job of getting my heart involved by reading her poetry and the questions that she asks in this book.  There are spaces in the book for you to answer questions - you can answer by writing, drawing, photography - whatever God leads you to do.

  • Freedom, Winning the Battle Within
    By Danny McDaniel  I attended another conference where Danny led a session of about 2 hours where he ministered what I will call corporate deliverance to a group of about 300 people.  Many people were crying, coughing, yawning, throwing up and more - as demonic spirits were leaving them.  This book will walk you through self-deliverance.  

Adorable Chick

Schedule Inner Healing/Deliverance

In Person Deliverance - Colorado Springs, CO

Face to Face Ministries:  Text 724-289-3785 for Information  Littleton, CO

Schedule Deliverance by Zoom with Blake  Call to make appointment  270-707-6992

Sunlight Portrait

Other Resources

There are some counseling and healing methods that are available for you to look into in your local area.  Some things you can lookup or ask about:  Sozo (deliverance), Immanuel Approach, Heart Sync and Inner Healing.  I've been to all of these at least once in my search for a deeper relationship with God.  

I'd love to add additional resources here.  Please email me with suggestions or comments.  Email Me

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