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Deeper Insight

Now that you've got a firm grasp on the basics - At least you've read through the bible once.  You feel good - and are ready to take the next step and expand your horizons.  You can dig deeper to find the hidden mysteries in God's word and to know more of what he's got planned for your life.  This page is designed to give you some good starting points on your journey...

Who are we?  Know your Identity!

This is knowing who we are in Christ Jesus.  This is learning and then believing and then walking in - who we are in Christ.  This is again something that you need to read about, and listen to over and over and over until you know it and believe it.  This is how you move from becoming a hearer of the word to a doer of the word.  This is not stuff that is taught in standard evangelical churches.  But this stuff really forms the foundation of who we are in Christ so that we can walk in all that Jesus has for us.  


Andrew Wommack:  I have learned so much from him!  I was not a fan of his accent initially, but, it did get less strong as the years went on.  He is a true believer and has the fruit to show it.  I highly recommend listening :)  I have links to his audio recordings from his website below.  You can also search for the titles in YouTube - and some will have video as well.

Duane Sheriff is a friend of Andrews.  He speaks at many of Andrews conferences.  

Dan MohlerIdentity in Christ Crash Course

Notebook and Pen

The Full Gospel

Not all churches are the same.  Do be careful when selecting a church. Find out what they believe!  There are some churches that call themselves churches - but, do not believe in Jesus. I believe the Bible and the bible says that we will do the works that Jesus did - and even greater works than these because Jesus is going to the father.  Well - if that is the case - I want to learn about that stuff. This is the exciting part of the bible - where Jesus gives us his authority on this planet and we have the ability to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, speak in tongues.  This is what Jesus did.  He showed his love to people and healed them, then they wanted to follow him.  Why would he want us to have to do things differently?


After you have a good foundation of the bible -and have read through it at least once - then I think it's the perfect time to learn about all the gifts that God has left for us.  Those that don't believe or think that these things passed away many many years ago - are leaving wrapped presents under the tree. 


Below I have a long list of pastors and teachers that I love listening to.  Don't get overwhelmed.  Sample them - and see who you like and who you don't.  When you find someone you like - listen to more of their stuff!   (Also - I'd love your feedback - if you would like to give me new ideas or comments about someone I am recommending, I'd love to hear your opinion.)


Dan Mohler:  Dan was Todd White's spiritual father.  He's such a good example of a disciple/christian.

Joseph Prince:  All about Faith and who we are in Christ


Here are some other highly recommended pastors/teachers.  Find your favorite and be blessed!

Kent Christmas - Regeneration Nashville

Tim Sheets - Oasis Church

Mark Hankins Ministries TV

Bill Johnson, Bethel Redding

Kris Vallotton, Bethel Church

Graham Cooke

Jesse Duplantis

Eagle Mountain Church

EW Kenyon (deceased)

Bill Winston - Kingdom Business/Finance

Fred Price

Rick Renner

Danny Silk - Relationships

Smith Wigglesworth (deceased)

Guillermo Maldonado

Lester Sumrall

Paul Martini

William Wood

Robin Bullock

Dutch Sheets

Hank Kunneman

Mario Murillo

Charles Capps (Deceased)

Kenneth E. Hagin (Deceased)

Steven Furtik

T.D. Jakes

Jimmy Evans

Creflo Dollar

David Wilkerson

Jeremy Pearsons

Oral Roberts (Deceased)














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